Money Talks
Russ Thomas, founder and president of RST Coaching Academy (https://rstcoachingacademy.com), is a 10X Certified Business Coach licensed by Grant Cardone. We will be presenting News and Views, and an occasional seminar re-play, regarding the general topic of Money and how to make more of it.
Money Talks
Candy Kellen aka Candy Cares -- A unique business created to help marriages be strong
RST Coaching Academy
Candy is the founder of "Building Stronger Marriages," a business ministry built with her husband on the foundation of working with married couples in Rwanda and Kenya for much of the past 25 years. Even though it serves as a ministry to others, they treat it like a business in order to keep it economically healthy.
We can help you increase your income by 15% - 40% in 90 days or less. Visit https://salesschool.us/how/ for more information.